Friday, May 25, 2007

Stuck in traffic?

This may sound like a TCFIL (The Center For Improved Living) question, but let's ask it anyway.

It's Friday night, and you're having a special dinner at home. After a dizzying day at work, you step into your Picanto, gun the engine, and head for home.

You're on the freeway, and it begins to rain. First, it's a shower, but soon enough it escalates into a horrid downpour. God, this sucks.

A few hundred meters down the freeway you find your exit ramp. You are now on a busy road. Then, you discover a setback.

Traffic. (Dun-dun-duunn..)

You can't back your way out of this one: by now about five cars are behind you, and from what you've heard the Friday afternoon traffic on this thoroughfare can leave a motorist stuck for fifteen minutes, and, on extreme cases, half an hour.

So, you'll be stuck that long in this traffic. You open the glove box and discover that you have:

  • your Beatles cassette tape
  • a couple of magazines
  • the Gameboy you learned to use the week before; your son had left it there
  • and your mobile phone
You look at the cars ahead of you. They're not moving at all, and neither will you. You finally accept the tragedy, musing to yourself, "this is going to be a long, rainy commute."

If you were this guy, with a Beatles cassette, some magazines, a Gameboy, and mobile phone, what would you do to pass the traffic time?